# 2. Bootstrap the frontend application

Let's start with the frontend. In this phase we will provide a frontend application based on Nuxt.js (opens new window).

# 1. Nuxt.js installation

The easiest way to start building a frontend application for a TYPO3 headless project is to use the CLI (opens new window) which we provide.

# Scaffold project

Run the following command in the console:

$ yarn create nuxt-typo3 <project-name>

Then answer these questions and choose your preferred technologies:

  1. Project name - provide name for package.json
  2. Project description - provide description for package.json
  3. Author name - provide author for package.json
  4. Choose the package manager:
  • Yarn
  • Npm
  1. Choose UI framework:
  • None (feel free to add one later)
  • Bootstrap
  • Vuetify
  • Bulma
  • Tailwind
  • Element UI
  • Ant Design Vue
  • Buefy
  • iView
  • Tachyons
  1. Choose one of the integrated server-side frameworks
  • None (Nuxt default server)
  • Express
  • Koa
  • Hapi
  • Feathers
  • Micro
  • Fastify
  • Adonis (WIP)
  1. Choose Nuxt.js module
  • TYPO3 checked by default
  • Axios - Plugin for Ajax requests.
  • Progressive Web App (PWA) Support checked by default
  1. Your TYPO3 API Url - Provide your TYPO3 headless address
  2. Choose linting tools:
  • ESLint recommended
  • Prettier recommended
  • Lint staged files recommended
  1. Choose test framework:
  • None (feel free to add one later)
  • Jest
  • AVA
  1. Choose rendering mode
  • Universal (SSR) checked by default
  • Single Page App

About Rendering Modes

Be aware of the last step where you should select Universal as rendering mode if you want to support server side rendering.

# 2. Does it work?

After scaffolding you should be able to run your application:

$ cd <project-name>
$ yarn run dev

By default the application runs on http://localhost:3000 (opens new window)

# 3. Provide configuration

Our CLI preconfigured some settings for you, but you can always reconfigure your module to your likings. All the configuration options can be found in the Configuration section.

  modules: [
    'nuxt-typo3', // register module
  typo3: {
    baseURL: 'https://yourwebsite.com', // provide the frontend domain
    api: {
      baseURL: 'https://api.yourwebsite.com' // provide the backend domain (API)
    i18n: {
      locales: ['en', 'pl', 'de'],
      defaultLocale: 'en'


If you use various domains for your frontend and/or the API, please make sure that the API sends responses incorporating the Access-Control-Allow-Origin (opens new window) header. For your local development you can use proxy-module (opens new window)

# Now it's time for some customisations.