# Forwarding headers

You can enable forwarding headers on SSR response. This might be especially useful when implementing cookie-based authentication tokens or caching directives.

This feature is disabled by default.

Be aware

Headers forwarded using this method will overwrite existing headers with the same name.

edit nuxt.config.js:

  typo3: {
    headers: true,

Header allowlist

Setting this option to true sets up forwarding for all headers sent by Typo3. This might lead to unexpected behaviour, as some headers are probably not desirable on your front-end application (e.g. Content-Type)

In order to gain more control over headers, you can simply set this option to an array of header names you want to forward.

  typo3: {
    headers: ['set-cookie'], // case-insensitive

# Manual header passthrough

As the built-in headers option leads to overwriting existing headers, you might instead consider implementing your own plugin to forward headers to fine-tune the behaviour of certain headers.

To achieve this, make sure the headers option is set to false and create a new script in plugins folder, e.g. ~/plugins/headers.js:

export default function({ $typo3, res }) {
  if (!process.server) return

  $typo3.hook('ssr:headers', (headers) => {
    const cookies = headers['set-cookie'] ?? []

      cookies.filter((cookie) => !cookie.includes('BadCookie'))

In the example above, only set-cookie header is forwarded, stripped from cookies containing string BadCookie.

In order to get plugin to work, you should register it inside nuxt.config.js:

  plugins: ['~/plugins/headers.js'],