# Internationalization

Nuxt-typo3 supports multilangugage pages. All you have to do is define what languages are available for your website and which is the default/fallback one.

edit nuxt.config.js:

  typo3: {
    i18n: {
      locales: ['en', 'pl', 'de'],
      defaultLocale: 'en'

Be aware

All pages with default language are handled directly by slash e.g. /home - however this page in Polish language will be available on /pl/home

# i18n support for layouts

If you need to support some static labels on your frontend - we provided some simple API to get and set the current language you can use to interact with your third-party plugin for translation.

# $typo3.i18n

This object provides you all needed data/methods to interact with languages. You have direct access from your components.

# $typo3.i18n.locale

Display current language

# $typo3.i18n.setLocale(localeCode, updateInitialData)

Switch language by localeCode

# React to locale change

You can use $nuxt.$typo3.hook() to detect locale change.

app.$typo3.hook('localeChange', (newLocale, oldLocale) => {})
app.$typo3.hook('beforeLocaleChange', (newLocale, oldLocale) => {})

# Third-party i18n plugin example

This example shows how to connect third-party i18n plugin to your application. For example we use standard nuxt-i18n (opens new window) plugin which use vue-i18n (opens new window).

# Installation

Add nuxt-i18n to your dependencies using Yarn:

yarn add nuxt-i18n


npm i nuxt-i18n

Then add the module to nuxt.config.js:

import pl from './locale/pl'
import en from './locale/en'

  modules: [

  i18n: {
    locales: ['en', 'de', 'pl'],
    defaultLocale: 'en',
    strategy: 'no_prefix', // because route strategy is handled on nuxt-typo3 side
    vueI18n: {
      fallbackLocale: 'en',
      messages: {

If using typescript or running typescript language server to check the code (for example through Vetur), add types to types array in your tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "types": [

# Locale files

create locale/en.json

  "hello": "hello"

create locale/pl.json

  "hello": "cześć"

# Integration with nuxt-typo3

Create plugins/i18n.js

export default ({ app }) => {
  app.i18n.locale = app.$typo3.i18n.locale
  app.$typo3.hook('localeChange', (newLocale, oldLocale) => {
    app.i18n.locale = newLocale

Edit nuxt.config.js:

  plugins: [

# Display translations

In your components:
